Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fabbioli Cellars Dates For March and April!

Hey Everyone!

        For those of you who are not aware, I haven't been out and about as much recently because I just had a baby boy at the beginning of January.  He's beautiful, healthy, wonderful, and exhausting!  I will, however, start appearing at Fabbioli Cellars again for readings.  The following dates are definite:

March 12th (Saturday) - Mardi Gras weekend!  It's a great time to get a 'Spring Cleaning' reading, and see what needs to be changed or updated in your life!
March 19th (Saturday) - St. Patrick's Day weekend.  See how your luck will be this year!  Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day!
April 9th & 10th - Come out and join us for a gorgeous weekend!  I can't guarantee the weather but I can guarantee the wine, the company, and the readings!

For those of you who haven't been to Fabbioli Cellars, it's one of the best wineries in the area.  They focus on dry red wines and some great port style wines as well.  The atmosphere and the people there are wonderful!  In the winter you can come inside or go out by the fire pits, and in the summer there are loads of spots for a picnic.  I highly recommend stopping in and trying the wine.  You'll be hooked!

I look forward to seeing all of you.  I'll keep you informed of any changes, and any additions to my schedule.



Reading of the week

          This week's deck is the Vision Tarot.  The imagery is similar to the Rider Waite deck, but is presented in a more photorealistic manner.  I use this deck as an all purpose, but it is best for general readings or readings concerning business and professional matters.  It doesn't photograph as well on my phone, I must admit...

Today's spread is a general 5 card spread that I read from left to right. 

Card 1, Past: 3 Cups (rev).  This past week you might have been enjoying yourself a bit too much, going out with friends, spending a bit too much money, eating a bit too much chocolate.  It's going to have an impact, but nothing serious.  Overindulging every once in a great while is good for the soul - as long as it doesn't become a habit :-)

Card 2, Present: 10 Coins (rev).  Right now things may be a bit tight financially, or you're thinking about a decision you have to make that will make you tighten your belt.  Consider things carefully - an ill-advised move right now may cause some serious hardship later.  It might be better to keep that money as a cushion and wait on that purchase.

Card 3, Hidden Influences: 8 Swords (rev).  Things in your life may not be going as you planned right now.  Look carefully at your situation - is there anyone who might be making your life more difficult for their own reasons?  If so, just keep your distance from those negative influences.  Confrontation could easily make the problem worse this week.

Card 4, Advice: 10 Staves.  This week might be rough.  You may feel that the weight of the world is on your back.  The thing about this card, though, is that although it signifies a heavy burden, it also holds hope - this isn't a burden you can't carry.  Keep your eye on your goals.  They may seem far away right now, but every step takes you a little closer to them.

Card 5, Outcome: 5 Coins.  This isn't the time to make major financial decisions.  Let them keep for a while.  If you didn't take care of that investment last week, let it ride this week, don't move on it just now.

          This week isn't exactly going to be all sunshine and rainbows, but it's only one week.  These are all pip, or number, cards, meaning this situation is very short term.  Keep this in mind and think about what your plans are for next weekend if things get rough this week.  Also, this isn't the week to try and mend fences with any relatives who are estranged (or who tend to make you miserable).  Wait on that until a bit later.

       Keep your spirits up, things will improve, they always do!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Addendum to this week's reading...

Upon further reflection, I have some more advice from today's reading...

If you've already gotten your tax return or expect to get it this week, don't go out and spend it all at once.  Now is a time to buy that item you've been saving for, create that investment portfolio or retirement fund you've been researching, or put the money aside for your kid's college fund.

Alternately, this is a great week to finally apply for an LLC or Sole Ownership for that small business you've been planning for so long.

Reading For The Week

This week I'm using the Rider Waite Tarot deck, which is considered a 'standard' deck and many of us begin with it.  It is an all purpose deck.


This spread is from Aeclectic Tarot which is a great resource for adding to your library of Tarot spreads.  It's the Situational Guide spread, a good basic forecasting configuration.

Card 1, Top Left, What am I doing Right:  King of Pentacles.  This week financial matters should be going really well.  If you haven't done your tax return yet, this would be a great time.  This is not an indication that a big shopping spree makes sense - the King is a stable character.  Researching long term investments or making a carefully planned purchase is more his style.

Card 2, Middle Left, What am I doing Wrong: Queen of Cups (rev).  Emotionally things are all over the map this week.  Be careful not to be overly sensitive and be aware that mood swings may be rampant.  Try to keep a cool head, even if it's difficult.  Irrational behavior may crop up in loved ones as well.

Card 3, Lower Left, How to improve the current situation: 8 Wands (rev).  The 8 of Wands is all about moving forward, getting moving, sometimes just shooting for the stars so that you at least hit the Moon.  This week, however, it would be better to focus on what's going on right now.  Deal with the challenges you have and prepare for the future instead of rushing forward half cocked. 

Card 4, Top Middle, Current Likely Outcome (how the week will go if you simply continue as you are): The Magician.  The Magician is all about control.  He works very hard to gain mastery over all the elements in his environment.  In a positive sense, this means that if you continue as you are, things will be controllable this week.  Be aware, however, that if you try too hard to hold things together that you might slowly watch them fall through your grasp.  A light touch this week will go further than a strong shove.

Card 5, Lower Middle, Likely Outcome if the Advice card is followed: King of Wands (rev).  The King's spontaneity is curbed this week, and he may be a bit irritable.  If you follow the advice card, planning a trip or a new endeavour may be difficult this week.  Better to focus on things already in motion.  It may make you chafe to sit still and work on what you have already begun, but you are more likely to finish those projects if you take the time to work on them this week.

Card 6, Right, What you are moving toward, things to come: Hanged Man (rev).  All of this week is culminating in a situation where you have to sacrifice short term in order to benefit long term.  If you finish your tax return this week, for example, you will have to slog through an unwelcome task, but in the long run you will either get that money returned or (if you owe taxes) you will clear a debt and avoid penalties by taking care of this onerous task.  Or you might need to balance your budget this week.  Just get it done!  You will be glad you finally took care of it!

This week seems to be all about finances and dealing with them in a responsible fashion.  Splurging or avoiding a necessary task won't be a good idea this week.

Keep checking back, I'll have a schedule of where I'll be in the next month or so posted soon!

Many Blessings,


Monday, February 14, 2011

Today's Reading...

I will be publishing readings at least weekly.  They will be a snapshot of the week to come.  This week's reading was pulled from the Art Nouveau Tarot, which I find well suited to relationship and love readings.  This is an Elemental reading, which focuses on a central card and how it is affected by the spheres of each Element.

Central Card:  6 Swords (rev):  This week will be a good time to evaluate your relationships and get rid of any negative influences that are keeping you from moving forward. The Art Nouveau Six of Swords is about finding a better place by making a change for the better.

North/Earth Card: 10 Coins (rev): Always a positive card, even reversed, the Ten of Coins indicates that this week will be good for family and financial matters, but that small difficulties may arise.  Deal with small challenges as they come and they won't become big challenges.

East/Air Card: 3 Staves (rev):  Communications may be a bit stilted this week.  As with the Earth card, deal with any problems communicating with partners quickly and clearly.  A little extra effort in connecting with your loved ones will go a long way this week.

South/Fire Card: Devil:  Physical enjoyments abound!  Don't get too caught up in the material aspects of Valentine's Day, flowers and jewelry and candy are just symbols.  Divert this energy toward being creative in your love life and your partner will appreciate the effort much more!

West/Water Card: 2 Cups:  Emotionally this will be a strong week for relationships - take advantage of the holiday to renew your commitment to love!

If you are single this week, remember that you are just as important.  Get a massage, go out for a nice dinner, get a good bottle of wine or chocolate.  Treat yourself, you deserve it!!

This reading really covers all of the contradictions of Valentine's Day and the traditions that surround it.  Keep the important things in mind for you and your loved ones!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Test post

Trying to post from mobile device

First Posting!

Welcome to my blog!

I'll be keeping you updated with my reading schedule and upcoming events here.  Keep checking in for weekly readings and other information.  This blog will be evolving as we go, so expect it to update regularly.

Many Blessings!
