Sunday, July 17, 2011

My absence...

I haven't been posting in a while.  I will start posting again in the near has just gotten in the way recently.  I thank you for your understanding.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Reading of the Week

This week's reading is from the Vision Tarot.  The spread is a simple five card one.


Card 1,  Where you are currently: Knight of Staves.  The Knight is about movement.  He is an energetic character.  Things are finally starting to move...but be aware that this movement may be chaotic and unexpected.  Now is the time to carefully monitor the way things are changing and do what you can to nudge the course of the matter to your benefit.  Trying to fully control things is futile - but you may be able to help things a bit.

Card 2, The challenge facing you: Six Swords (rev).  The biggest problem you will be dealing with in the near future is the temptation to allow things to just happen.  This sort of carelessness will undo the work you have done to improve your situation.  Be aware of everything and act where you can to keep things moving as you would prefer.

Card 3, Your best path: Knight of Coins.  The Knight is a very stable ally.  He is a person who can be trusted implicitly.  He can be set in his ways, but this stodginess is a reflection of his loyalty as well.  This week you are called to be that person.  If you are reliable as a person, and stick to your guns, then others will be reliant upon you as well.

Card 4, Insights from the Universe: Death (rev).  Far from being a card that portends actual physical death, the Death card shows us that the world is always in flux.  We must accept the natural changes that we go through during the course of our lives.  Here it is a reminder - if we try to stifle change, it will happen anyway, and perhaps it will not be easy to accept.

Card 5, Conclusion: Eight Cups. If nothing changes, this reading tells us that there is a great possibility that we will get what we think we want if we fight for it - however, that which we want isn't always what we need.  Be careful that you fight for what you need, or you may find yourself dissatisfied and seeking fulfillment again and again.

For All You Crafty Tarot Readers...

You know who you are!!

I was looking for a way to crochet a bag for a deck I have.  Lo and Behold, the internet doth provide!

I love the fact that it gives you basic instructions that are easy to modify.